Muralist Eduardo Kobra
By Eduardo Kobra in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, for Sesc em Minas.
Eduardo Kobra: It’s the first time I paint the side of a building here in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. And the honor is great, because this work of almost one thousand square meters (10,000 sq ft) is located at Sesc Minas, an institution that I respect and admire a lot. The faces I portrayed are common people, workers, citizens of Belo Horizonte. I want this mural to work as a recognition of the importance of everyone: because it is the simple people who truly build the city — and, in this case, it is people like the ones I portrayed that make the capital of the Minas Gerais state one of the most important cities in Brazil.
More by Eduardo Kobra on Street Art Utopia
View the original Post on: https://streetartutopia.com/2023/08/19/photo-and-video-of-mural-by-eduardo-kobra-in-belo-horizonte-brazil/